Προβολή ανακοίνωσης για μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές
Υποτροφίες στο College of Europe (campus in Warsaw)
The College of Europe, with its two campuses (Bruges founded in 1949 and Warsaw 1992), is the oldest and most prestigious institute of post-graduate European studies.
I am pleased to announce that we are offering up to ten full scholarships to history graduates, for the academic year 2012–13, at the Natolin Campus in Warsaw. For further information about the scholarships; please follow the link:
The Natolin Campus offers an Interdisciplinary Masters programme to about 120 students from more than 30 different countries and from a wide range of academic backgrounds.
The course of study provides a comprehensive understanding of European Affairs, in its many political, economic, social and historical dimensions. Natolin offers, in particular, the opportunity to study in depth the past and present relationship of Europe with its nearest neighbours.
The Chair of European Civilisation at the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe, was created in memory of Prof. Bronislaw Geremek and is funded by the European Parliament.
The Chair works with the scholars and organises a cycle of high profile lectures, events and seminars throughout the year. In recent months, we have been happy to host such memorable speakers and eminent academics as Prof. Norman Davies and Mr. Adam Zamoyski.
The scholarships, offered by the Chair of European Civilisation, are highly competitive and applications must be received by January 15th 2012. Interested graduate students are invited to visit our website at www.coleurope.eu and to send their application to our Admissions Office.
For more information you are welcome to contact us at natolin.cec.pl[at]coleurope[dot]eu
With best wishes
Ms Ośniecka-Tamecka
Vice Rector